CBD Oils

Oaklawn Grove, IL

There have been many advances in the field of marijuana used for medical purposes. CBD oils is a compound that does not give you the feeling of everyday marijuana, it is used more widely in the medical field by people that do not want feel out of their element because of medical marijuana. There are strains being grown now that is specifically for medical users. CBD is a natural compound inside of marijuana that is not modified or tampered with so you will not be harmed at all if you were to use this compound. It is non-psychoactive and will not harm the user. We have cbd oils available to our customers. There are mant headshops that will not carry this product but South Side Smoke Shop is proud to bring this to our customers who do not want to use marijuana for medical use and do not want to have the stoned feeling all day. It can combat many illnesses and has a great many medical uses that are just recently coming to light.
Vaporizers are a great value at South Side Smoke Shop. They are not as harsh as glass pipes or bongs. You are actually inhaling vapor rather than smoke so it is much better for you. If you would like to come in and hear about it from one of our staff members, they can tell you all about it because they are highly knowledgeable in all things vaporizers. There are many products we can recommend like CBD oils and vaporizers. Come in today and we can get you set up.